8 error messages – Rice Lake CB-2 Concrete Batch Controller Version 2.0 User Manual

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Installation/Operation Manual - Appendix


10.8 Error Messages

Messages are listed in alphabetical order. For messages that have variable text in their first position, they are

listed according to their first constant text.



Active Order

Attempt was made to change the status of or regulatory agency for an active order

Add New Order Failed

Error occured when an attempt was made to add a record to the orders database.

Adding Late Admixes

The CB-2 has reached the add tail water stage and some admixtures were not added
during the batch. They are being added now. You should check their “Add With”
parameter settings.

Aggregate Conveyor Not On

It is time to discharge aggregates and the signal indicating that the aggregate conveyor is
not on.

Another Batch Already Pending

An attempt is being made to start batching a load but another is currently being

Bad Scale # in Location Database

The scale number in the location record for a weighed material was either zero or greater
than 3.

Bottle Not Empty

The CB-2 is ready to dispense an admixture into a bottle but the signal that indicated the
bottle is empty is not on.

Can’t Change Aggregates or

Only the amounts of admixtures or water may be changed on the preview screen.

Can’t Preload Water

Manual start has been selected and the operator has pressed the Start Water softkey but
either the water is reservoired and the reservoir is not ready for dischage or some bottled
admixture to be discharged with the front water is not ready for discharge.

Can’t Start Load, No Empty Batch

A maximum of six batches may be active at a time.

Capacity Error

The total weight of material already on the scale plus the amount to be added during this
batch will exceed the capacity of the scale.

Critical Data Chaining Loop Error

This is a system error that should not normally occur. contact your service representative.

Critical Error - Couldn’t Start

The attemp to start the counting setpoint for aggregate or metered water discharge
failed. This is a system error that should not normally occur. Contact your service

Critical Error - LoadWeigh Record!

There was a control block error while loading the mix design for a load. Either:
a) the referenced scale is not a valid scale number
b) we couldn’t find a material record for the ID for that material
c) there is no valid location associated with the material
d) no valid preact record for the material
Any of these occurring would indicate a setup error.

Customer Not Found

No customer was found in the customer database with the ID supplied while setting up
an order.

Customer Not in Database

No customer was found in the customer database with the ID in the order record when
scheduling a load for an order. This might be because the customer was deleted from the
customer database after the order was entered.

Cutoff Weight Above Capacity

During tuning of the minimum drop, a cutoff weight was determined that would exceed
the scale capacity.

Data Truncated

While entering an order, a delivery instruction line of more than 30 characters was
entered. The line has been truncated to 30 characters, dropping the righmost characters.

Delete Order Failed

An attempt to delete a record from the orders database failed.

Discharge Gate Open

Either a scale hopper discharge gate is open when the CB-2 is ready to fill, or we are
done discharging the full scale and are closing the gate but it isn’t closed yet.

Duplicate Order ID

The operator supplied order number for a new order is already in use.

Table 10-2. Error Codes