Rice Lake CB-2 Concrete Batch Controller Version 2.0 User Manual

Page 37

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Installation/Operation Manual - Configuration of User Parameters


Fast Feed Gate

Digital output address of port used to open the fast fill gate

Slow Feed Gate

If dual or dual concurrent, digital output address of port used to open the slow
fill gate.


Digital output address of port used to operate the aerator / vibrator .

Feed Gate Limit Switch

Digital input address of port used to receive the fast gate closed signal

Fast Feed SP

Fast feed cutoff setpoint number.

Slow Feed SP

Slow feed cutoff setpoint number

Moisture Probe ID

ID number of moisture probe associated with this location

Probe Mode

No Probe

Static Only

Static Flow
Flow Only

Sets the mode in which probe measurements are to be used.

Total Moisture

Static moisture amount

Usage Data

Access to usage data for location

Delivery Mode = Inching Gate

Secondary Mode


Continuous Aeration

No Flow Aeration

Continuous Vibrator
No Flow Vibrator

Chose aeration or vibrator and whether they should be used continuously or
only when material stops flowing.


Scale id of scale used to weigh material

Open Gate

Digital output address of port used to open the inching gate

Close Gate

Digital output address of port used to close the inching gate


Digital output address of port used to operate the aerator / vibrator

Gate Closed Limit Switch

Digital input address of port used to receive the inching gate closed signal

Jogging Output

Digital output address of port used to signal jogging in progress

Cutoff SP

Cutoff gate close setpoint number

Moisture probe ID

ID number of moisture probe associated with this location

Probe Mode

No Probe
Static Only
Static Flow
Flow Only

Sets the mode in which probe measurements are to be used

Total Moisture

Static moisture amount

Gate open Tme

Time in seconds for the discharge gate to open fully

Close Time

Time in seconds for the discharge gate to close completely

Inch Time

Time in milliseconds to pulse the open or close output to inch the inching
discharge gate

Initial Burst Time

Time in seconds to hold on the open output to initially open the inching
discharge gate

Usage Data

Access to usage data for location

Delivery Mode = Bottle Admix

Admix #

Fill Bottle

Digital output address of port used to fill the bottle

Bottle Discharge

Digital output address of port used to discharge the bottle

Bottle Empty Sensor

Digital input address of port used to receive the bottle empty signal

Pulse Meter Signal

Digital input address of port used to receive the meter pulse

Pulse Counter SP

Pulse counting setpoint number



