04 frame fab – Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope Reliance-IG SS User Manual
Page 7
R E L I A N C E - I G S S I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L
Unless otherwise noted, the details shown in these instructions reflect the 7 1/2" system. Part numbers and
dimensions in parentheses ( ) refer to the 6 1/4" system, unless noted otherwise. Instructions for other
backmember depths are similar. NOTE: Structural silicone glazed vertical mullion is referred to as "SSG
1.1. Measure ROUGH OPENING to determine FRAME WIDTH and FRAME HEIGHT dimensions.
Allow 1/2" minimum clearance for shimming and caulking around perimeter of frame
1.2. Cut material to size. SEE FIGURE 1, page 5 for guide.
Frame Members
(ROUGH OPENING minus top & bottom joints)
Vertical Face Covers FRAME HEIGHT (vertical covers run through)
Intermediate Horizontals Daylight Opening (D.L.O.)
Head and Sill Members D.L.O.
Horizontal Pressure Plates D.L.O. minus 1/4"
Horizontal Face Covers D.L.O. minus 1/16"
Head & Sill Interior Covers D.L.O. minus 1/16"
Glazing Gaskets
Exterior Vertical D.L.O. plus 1" plus allowance*
(vertical gaskets run through)
Exterior Horizontal D.L.O. plus allowance*
Exterior Pressure Plate Pressure Plate length plus allowance*
Interior at Verticals D.L.O. plus allowance*
(vertical gaskets run through)
Interior at Horizontals D.L.O. plus allowance*
Silicone Spacer Gaskets D.L.O. plus 1" plus allowance*
Thermal Isolator @ exterior glazed Horizontal length (crowd in place to avoid gaps at ends)
Other Members (as required)
Glazing Adaptors
Horizontal D.L.O. minus 1/32"
Vertical D.L.O. plus 1"
Door Subframe
Jamb DOOR OPENING plus 3/4"
Header DOOR OPENING minus 1/32"
Glass Sizing
Field Glazing
Captured Mullions 1/2" glass bite typical (D.L.O. plus 1")
SSG Verticals 1" glass bite at verticals (D.L.O. plus 2")
1/2" glass bite at horizontals (D.L.O. plus 1")
* Glazing gaskets should 1/4" longer per foot of aluminum extrusion.
Set aside and lay flat until ready to glaze.