29 ssg installation – Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope Reliance-IG SS User Manual
Page 32

R E L I A N C E - I G S S I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L
4.18 Glazing using the SSG mullions typically will be accomplished by setting glass from the interior of the
building. If special conditions exist which mandate setting glass from exterior, see page 17.
4.19 Prior to installing glass, horizontal bridges must be installed and sealed. Head and sill bridges will be
installed as shown in FIGURES 33 & 34. Intermediate horizontals will use two different bridges
based on interior or exterior glazing. SEE FIGURES 33, 34 & 35, page 30 & 31.
4.20 Horizontal face caps should be installed before glass. The face caps should be spliced every three
bays and have a minimum 1/4" joint between each cap. This joint should be sealed by installing backer
rod between caps and then applying sealant. SEE FIGURE 31, page 28.
4.21 Position setting blocks at correct location (two per lite). Refer to approved shop drawings or deadload
charts. Lubricating the top of setting block will help insure proper setting of glass. Note: Consult glass
manufacturer for correct setting block location and length for glass sizes in excess of 40 sq. ft
4.22 Install horizontal exterior gaskets running the gasket continuous across horizontals and bridges. Apply
sealant along top edge of gasket at each bridge, at upper and lower gasket, just prior to installing
glass. See Detail "A" below. If a gasket must be spliced, ends must be sealed and butted
together. Cut gaskets 1/4" longer per foot of aluminum extrusion to allow for relaxation.
4.23 Set glass in opening from the interior. Place one edge of glass in front of the SSG mullion and swing
the glass into the adjacent vertical pocket. Lower onto setting blocks. It may be necessary to leave
glass offset in openings until the end of the run is complete, then slide each lite over to center into
openings. The glass should be positioned to leave a 1/2" joint between each lite of glass.
4.24 Once glass is centered into opening, install temporary clips (SPW-PP-3) at 24" o.c. or minumum 3 per
lite. Install GP-102 spacer along each side of vertical mullion pushing spacer behind glass to create a
sealant joint of minimum 3/8" depth. Spacer should be cut vertical opening plus 1" and placed in
opening to extend 1/2" above and below edge of horizontals. This joint should then cleaned using
isopropyl alcohol and sealed using an approved structural silicone. SEE FIGURE 32
4.25 The exterior joint between the glass should be sealed by installing backer rod and sealant into the joint.
Detail "A"
Pull gasket back from bridge
and seal space as shown before
setting glass
SSG Bridge
(Horizontal shown,
head/sill sim.)