23 glazing instructions – Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope Reliance-IG SS User Manual
Page 26

R E L I A N C E - I G S S I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L
Seal @ Gasket Corners
Miter to
match vertical
Seal joint between gaskets.
Note:Sealant should be applied
immediately before installing glass.
Sealant should not be allowed to
cure before glass installation.
4.1 Note: To avoid silicone curing before glass is set in place and contamination from job-site
debris, glazing prep must be performed as each opening is glazed. Gasket should be cut
gaskets in the entire frame; install and seal gaskets as you are ready to set glass in each opening
Install exterior gaskets, both horizontal and vertical, installing vertical gaskets first. If the vertical
mullion is spliced, run gasket through the splice joint, setting gasket in fresh silicone at splice joint,
trimming the gasket dart as necessary to form an airtight seal. Glazing gaskets at verticals run
through; horizontal gaskets butt into vertical gaskets. Crowd the gaskets into corners, cutting the
horizontal gaskets at an angle to match bevel on vertical gaskets. Pulling the horizontal gasket back,
seal joint between the corners of the gaskets just prior to setting the glass. Release the gasket back to
its original position, making sure sealant fills the entire joint. SEE FIGURE 25
4.2 Position setting blocks at correct location (two per lite). Refer to approved shop drawings or deadload
charts. Lubricating the top of the setting block will help insure proper setting of glass.
Note: Consult glass manufacturer for correct setting block location and length for glass sizes
in excess of 40 sq. ft . SEE FIGURE 26, page 24.
4.3 Set glass in opening from the interior. System should be glazed from bottom to top. Place one edge of
the glass into the deep pocket of the vertical. Swing the glass into the adjacent vertical pocket and
lower onto setting blocks, ensuring that the glass bite is equal on all sides.SEE FIGURE 26, page 24.
CAUTION: Be certain that glass is placed firmly against exterior gasket to ensure a proper seal
and to avoid binding of the glass on the setting block
1/4" per foot longer than openings to allow for relaxation prior to installing. Do not pre-seal the