09 frame assy – Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope Reliance-IG SS User Manual
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R E L I A N C E - I G S S I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L
Frame Assembly
2.1 Starting with the left jamb of the opening, lay out verticals and horizontals for assembly of the bay.
2.2 Apply sealant to ends of horizontals prior to attaching to verticals. SEE FIGURE 8,page 10.
2.3 If steel reinforcing is required, install now. SEE FIGURE 10, page 12
2.4 Install IW-193-01 (IW-183-01) head anchor sleeve into top of IW-540 (IW-440) or IW-544 (IW-444)
mullion. Sleeve to be installed prior to attaching head member. Sleeve attached using FS-9 assemble
screws fastened into head extrusion. SEE FIGURE 8, page 10
2.5 Attach head to vertical using two FS-9 fasteners. Attach intermediate horizontals and sill members
using FS-8 fasteners. SEE FIGURE 8, page 10. Tool excess sealant at horizontal-to-vertical joints.
Optional exterior glazed horizontal may require additional fasteners. SEE FIGURE 18, page 17
for optional horizontal information.
2.6 If mullions are spliced, slide splice sleeves into the bottom of the upper bay mullion. Secure with tape.
Install one (1) FS-322 #14 x 1" TEK screw into the top of the lower bay mullion to act as a stop screw
for the splices during frame installation. SEE FIGURE 41, page 35.