Monarch Instrument DC 2000 User Manual
Page 99

Page 5-33
Chapter 5 Programming Inst/Avg Indiv.
The user has the option to set the Instantaneous or Average mode for each channel individually.
Use the UP (
↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to highlight “Inst/Avg Indiv.” on the Record Mode menu. This
will bring up a point selection keypad which allows selection of the relevant point. Choose the point to
edit and press ENTER. The current Record mode will appear highlighted. Use the UP (
↑) or DOWN (↓)
Arrow Keys to highlight either “Instantaneous” or “Average” and press ENTER to select, or EXIT to
quit. Repeat this process for each point you want to set then press EXIT to return to the Record Mode
To program the Instantaneous/Average Mode use the UP (
↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to highlight “Inst/Avg
All” or “Inst/Avg Indiv” on the Record Mode menu and press ENTER. Refer to the detail above.
5.7.4 Points
The user may select which of the fifteen available points are to be recorded to disk. Any or all points may be
recorded, however the recording time available on the disk is divided among the number of points being recorded.
Ensure that points you do not wish to record, or that have no data attached, are not turned on to record.
To turn the points on or off use the UP (
↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to highlight “Points” on the menu and press
ENTER. A window will be presented displaying “point X=YES*” or “point X=NO*”. Use the UP (
↑) or DOWN (↓)
Arrow Keys to select the point you wish to turn on or off, then press NO to turn it off, or YES to turn it on. Press
the ENTER button to activate your choice and automatically select the next point. Press EXIT to return to the
Record Setup Programming menu.
5.7.5 Points (Trigger)
The user may select which of the fifteen available points are to be used to trigger the record mode on or off. Any
or all points may be used to trigger recording. When activated, any alarm condition for the point in question will
start the unit recording, provided the unit is armed to trigger. Refer to Section The unit will record as
long as the alarm is true.
To enable the points to trigger recording, use the UP (
↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to highlight “Points (Trigger)”
on the menu and press ENTER. A window will be presented displaying “point X=YES*” or “point X=NO*”. Use
the UP (
↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to select the point you wish to activate (yes) or deactivate (no), then press
NO to disable triggering, or YES to enable triggering. Press the ENTER button to activate your choice and
automatically select the next point. Press EXIT to return to the Record Setup Programming menu.
5.7.6 Record rate
The user can select the rate at which data is stored to disk independently to the rate at which it is displayed on
the chart. The rate can be set for all channels at once or it can be set for each channel individually. The rate can
be set from the fastest rate of 8 times per second to the slowest rate of once every 600 seconds or once every
ten minutes. The rate you choose is dependent on how dynamic the process that you are measuring is. If you
are recording temperature which varies slowly, you can maximize the amount of data that is stored on the disk
by keeping the record rate slow. If you are measuring variables that change rapidly, you may need to set the
record rate at once per second. Thus if you have one channel that is recording a rapidly changing input and one
that is recording an input that changes slowly, you can optimize the record rate for each.
There are two record rates for each channel or point, a low rate and a high rate. The default rate is set in the
FUNCtion menu - Record Speed. The record rate can be changed by an external event if the digital I/O option
is fitted. Refer to 5.9.2. External speed change is enabled in the Autorate option.