4 specifications – Monarch Instrument DC 2000 User Manual

Page 13

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Chapter 1 General Description

Page 1-5

1.4 Specifications


Input Signals

DC Voltage: Linear, Industrial square root, Logarithmic
Full scale ranges:

+150 mV, +1.25 V, +2.5 V Accuracy ±0.06%
±12.5 V, and ±25 V Accuracy ±0.1%

DC Current:

4 to 20 mA, 0 to 20 mA and 10 to 50 mA
Accuracy ±0.15% using external 50 ohm 0.1% shunt


Resolution 0.1°C

Range (°C)

Accuracy (°C)

Range (°F)

Accuracy (°F)


-210 to -100 °C

±2.5 °C

-340 to -150 °F

±5 °F

-100 to 1200 °C

±1.5 °C

-150 to 2190 °F

±3 °F


-270 to -100 °C

±2.5 °C

-450 to -150 °F

±5 °F

-100 to 1372 °C

±1.5 °C

-150 to 250 °F

±3 °F


-270 to -100 °C

±2.5 °C

-450 to -150 °F

±5 °F

-100 to 400 °C

±1.5 °C

-150 to 750 °F

±3 °F


-270 to -100 °C

±2.5 °C

-450 to -150 °F

±5 °F

-100 to 1000 °C

±1.5 °C

-150 to 1832 °F

±3 °F


-270 to -100 °C

±2.5 °C

-450 to -150 °F

±5 °F

-100 to 1300 °C

±1.5 °C

-150 to 2372 °F

±3 °F


-50 to 1768 °C

±3 °C

-58 to 3200 °F

±6 °F


-50 to 1768 °C

±3 °C

-58 to 3200 °F

±6 °F


0 to 1820 °C

±4 °C

32 to 3300 °F

±7 °F


0 to 2400 °C

±3 °C

32 to 4350 °F

±6 °F

Reference junction compensation accuracy ±0.5 °C (0 °C to 50 °C)
Thermocouple burnout detection - internal


Base accuracy 0.2% or 0.5 °C (1 °F). Resolution 0.1 °C.
2, 3 or 4 wire connection. Cable compensation to +50 Ohm
Open and short circuit detection.
10 ohm Cu

-70 to 170 °C

-94 to 338 °F

100 ohm Pt 385

-220 to 850 °C

-364 to 1560 °F

100 ohm Pt 392

-180 to 820 °C

-292 to 1500 °F

200 ohm Pt 385

-220 to 400 °C

-364 to 750 °F

200 ohm Pt 392

-180 to 400 °C

-292 to 750 °F

120 ohm Ni

-70 to 300 °C

-94 to 570 °F

1000 ohm Ni

-60 to 209 °C

-76 to 408 °F

Input Resolution

0.0015% of full scale, 16 bit unless otherwise stated

Input Impedance

>10 megohms on 150 mV, 1.25 V and 2.5 V Ranges, >100 K on 12.5 V, and 25 V ranges

Input Channels

2, 4, or 6 direct

Maximum Input

50 Vdc


250 Vdc or peak AC channel to channel, 300 Vdc or peak AC to Chassis

Measurement Rate

8 times per second on all direct input channels

Common Mode Noise Rejection

>100 dB, 50/60 Hz

Normal Mode Noise Rejection

>50 dB at 50/60 Hz

Math Functions

+, -, x, /, logarithms, totalization, powers, averages, and timers


Recording Rates

User programmable from 8 samples per second to 1 sample every 600 seconds (10 Minutes).
Channels independently programmed.

Data Format

Proprietary binary format. User File naming.

Data Storage Capacity

Data stored in non-volatile RAM and recorded automatically to on board removable media

Removable Media Types

3½ inch (89mm) floppy disk - approximately 700,000 samples for a 1.44 Megabyte Disk
PCMCIA Flash cards - approximately 100,000,000 samples for a 200 Megabyte Card
Zip Disk - approximately 50,000,000 samples for a 100 Megabyte Disk

Internal Media

One Megabyte RAM (Non-Volatile)
Two Megabyte RAM (Non-Volatile) - optional

File types

Data files, Alarm and Event files, Configuration files, Language Files. Multiple files
of different names on a single disk.