Monarch Instrument DC 2000 User Manual

Page 108

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Page 5-42

Chapter 5 Programming

To set up Demand Data, use the UP (

↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to highlight “Demand data” and press

ENTER to get the following options:

The user may select which of the fifteen available points are to be sent to the printer. Ensure that
points you do not wish to send to the printer, or that have no data attached, are not turned on to

To turn the points on or off, use the UP (

↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to highlight “Points” and press

ENTER. A window will be presented displaying “point X=YES*” or “point X=NO*”. Use the UP (


or DOWN (

↓) Arrow Keys to select the point you wish to turn on or off, then press YES to turn it on,

or NO to turn it off. Press the ENTER button to activate your choice and automatically select the
next point. Continue to press YES or NO and ENTER until you have activated or deactivated all the
points you want and then press EXIT to return to the Demand Data Menu.

Demand evnt
Demand Event allows the user to select which event will trigger the unit to print. The Event number
is the digital input number for the external event (1, 2, or 3). Selecting 0 disables Demand Event.

To program Demand Event, use the UP (

↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to highlight “Demand evnt”

and press ENTER. The display will read “Demand evnt #? X”. Use the UP (

↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow

Keys to select the desired Demand Event input number and press ENTER. Press EXIT to return
to the “Com Ports” menu. Port Setup

Use the UP (

↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to highlight “Port Setup” and press ENTER.

a. Baud Rate

The display will show one of the six baud rates. Use the UP (

↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to select the

desired baud rate, 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 (default), 19200, or 38400, and press ENTER. The
display will read “parity? N”.

b. Parity

Use the UP (

↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to select either N NONE, E EVEN, or O ODD, to match your

communications device, and press ENTER. The display reads “stop bits? X”.

c. Stop Bits

Use the UP (

↑) or DOWN (↓) Arrow Keys to select either 1 or 2, to match your communications device,

and press ENTER. The display returns to the “Port setup” menu item. By default the com port uses
8 bits of data for the character size. Network ID

This is a duplicate menu item. Refer to section 5.10.2. Modem Setup

This is a duplicate menu item. Refer to section 5.10.3.