Monarch Instrument DC 2000 User Manual
Page 54

Chapter 4 Operation
Page 4-2
If the Recorder finds a bad checksum in any Point DPR during the power-up load sequence, it will not issue any
error message. Bad DPR’s are flagged as “CORRUPT”. A corrupt DPR may only be corrected by reviewing the
associated point.
4.1.3 Initialize Database
Three forms of initialization (init) may be performed on the Unit’s Profile database, Smart Init, Full Init and Erase
Configuration. The user will not typically see these options unless the unit is being powered up for the first time,
or the unit finds an error in the database. These conditions may be manually invoked using the Hidden menu
option. Smart Init
Smart Initialization verifies that each Profile database block has a correct checksum and (if incorrect) each
parameter in the corrupt block(s) is verified to be within allowable boundaries. Only those parameters in
corrupt blocks found to be outside these boundaries are changed. Bad parameters are always replaced
with pre-defined defaults. Full Init
If the user answers no to “Smart init?”, a choice is presented to force the Recorder to do a “Full init?”. Full
initialization will completely clear all user-defined parameters, setting them to pre-defined defaults. Erase Config
This option is used on first time power up and will not normally be seen by the user unless the database
has been corrupted or this option is called from the SYSTEM menu. This option will clear all variables to
zero, and should be used to clear memory before programming for the first time, or after upgrading the
firmware. This operation is usually performed at the factory. Init Defaults
The listing below gives the default parameters that are used by both Smart and Full initialization:
Display Block
Power-up Display Mode =
Unit Tag
Display Rate =
1 second
Time Format =
Language =
Scan Block
Alarm Contact Outputs =
Open on Clear, No Reflash, Failsafe off, Open on ACK
Alarm Checks =
TCBO Test Interval =
300 seconds (5 minutes)
Serial Port
Serial Port =
Set to Modbus RTU, 9600, 8bits, parity off, 2 stop bits
Chart Scales Block
For Each Scale . . .
Scale Type =
Origin =
Decimal Fix =
3 places
Scale =
Low = 0.0 Mid = 50.0 High = 100.0
Engineering Units =
Set to all spaces (cleared)
Active Scaleset =
Set to scaleset 1