6 miscellaneous functions, 1 reintegration, 2 recalibration – Metrohm IC Net 2.2 User Manual

Page 210: 3 electronic signature

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8 Chromatograms

IC Net 2.2


8.6 Miscellaneous


8.6.1 Reintegration

IC NET / Process / Reintegrate

This menu item opens the

Integration parameters

window where

the reintegration of the chromatogram can be started (details see
section 7.4).

8.6.2 Recalibration

IC NET / Process / Calibrate

This menu item opens the


window for entry of the

calibration level and recalibration of the chromatogram using this
level (details see section 7.5).

8.6.3 Electronic


IC NET / Process / Electronic signature

This menu item opens the

Electronic signature

window that allows

to sign (or alter the signature of) the chromatogram in the active
window. Once a chromatogram is signed it cannot be altered. To
alter a signed chromatogram the signature has to be revoked.

The chromatogram that is to be signed has to be the active win-

The first line of the window shows the path and file name of the
chromatogram to be signed. The user has to sign the chroma-
togram with his user name, password and a meaning.

New data

User name

User name of the signing user.


Password of the user.