Waters Oasis Prospekt-2/Symbiosis Cartridges User Manual
Care and use manual

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
Oasis Prospekt-2/Symbiosis SPE Cartridges
I. IntroduCtIon
II. reCommendatIons for QuICk start on-LIne
sPe method
a. Prepare Sample
b. Prepare the Prospekt-2/Symbiosis System according to the
Operator’s Manual
III. strategIes for method oPtImIzatIon on
oasIs methodoLogIes
a. On-Line SPE Generic Starting Methods for Oasis Prospekt-2/
Symbiosis Cartridges
IV. orderIng InformatIon
oasIs on-LIne sPe CartrIdges for ProsPekt-2/symbIosIs systems
I. IntroduCtIon
Waters Oasis
on-line solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges are
available for use with the Spark Holland Prospekt-2
tems. The narrow-bore PVDF cartridges are available in a 1 x 10
mm format (with 2.5 mg of Oasis sorbent) and a 2 x 10 mm for-
mat (with 10.4 mg of sorbent). Oasis sorbents provide high and reproduc-
ible recoveries for acidic, basic, and neutral compounds—even if the
cartridges run dry. The Prospekt
/Symbiosis systems allows for full
automation of on-line SPE. Up to 14 different solvents can be selected for
solvation, equilibration, wash, and analyte elution onto the LC/MS/MS system.
The Spark Holland Prospekt
/Symbiosis system manual outlines the
components and parameters for each step of the SPE protocol. The
Oasis Prospekt
/Symbiosis SPE cartridge instruction sheet provides
recommendations for generic methods specific to the Oasis sorbents
in the Prospekt
/Symbiosis SPE cartridge only.
The unique advantages of the Oasis sorbents are:
A water-wettable sorbent that demonstrate no negative impact
on performance when the cartridge runs dry prior to applying
the sample.
pH stable range 0–14 (refer to Prospekt
/Symbiosis manual
for instrument range).
Polymeric, silanol-free for pure reversed-phase retention
or mixed-mode ion exchange for complete control of dual
retention mechanism.
II. reCommendatIons for QuICk start on-LIne
sPe method
a. Prepare Sample
1. Admix 10–50 µL of internal standard with 1 mL of sample.
For analytes that are highly bound to serum or plasma protein,
admix 20 µL of concentrated phosphoric acid with the sample.
For urine samples, add 100 µL of 5N HCl per 100 mL of urine.