Waters Protein Separation Technology ACQUITY UPLC BEH300, C4, 1.7 µm Columns User Manual
Care and use manual, 7 �m

[ Care and Use ManUal ]
Protein Separation Technology ACQUITY UPLC BEH300, C
, 1.7
I. IntroduCtIon
II. ConFIGurInG An ACQuItY sYsteM For use In ProteIn
a. Column Connectors
b. High Sensitivity Peptide Mixer
c. Peptide Needle Kit
d. Flow restrictor
III. GettInG stArted
a. eCord™ Installation
b. Column Connectors
c. Column Installation
d. Column Equilibration
e. Initial Column Efficiency Determination
f. Useful Functional Tests for Benchmarking a New Column
IV. CoLuMn use
a. Sample Preparation
b. Operating pH Limit
c. Solvents
d. Pressure
e. Temperature
V. trouBLesHootInG
VI. CoLuMn CLeAnInG, reGenerAtInG, And storAGe
a. Cleaning and Regeneration
b. Storage
VII. IntroduCInG eCord InteLLIGent CHIP teCHnoLoGY
a. Introduction
b. Installation
c. Manufacturing Information
d. Column Use Information
VIII. orderInG InForMAtIon
ProteIn sePArAtIon teCHnoLoGY ACQuItY uPLC BeH300, C
, 1.7 �m
I. IntroduCtIon
Thank you for choosing a Waters reversed-phase Protein Separation
Technology column. The ACQUITY UPLC
BEH300, C
1.7 µm
packing material was designed to provide excellent peak shape, high
efficiency, and good recovery for biological macromolecules that are
too large or too hydrophobic for separation on columns with smaller
pores or longer chain bonded phases. The base particle and bonding
chemistry are chosen to provide exceptional stability at both high and
low pH as well as at high temperature. The ACQUITY UPLC BEH300,
, 1.7 µm packing materials are manufactured in a cGMP, ISO9002
certified plant using ultra pure reagents. Each batch of Protein
Separation Technology column material has been qualified with a
protein test mixture, and the results are held to narrow specifica-
tion ranges to ensure reproducible performance. Every column is
individually tested for efficiency, and a Performance Test
Chromatogram along with a Certification of Acceptance is provided
with each column.