SDC E5 Series Access Control System User Manual

Page 29

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Select Database
Select Zip Database (Repair) (5-5)

If your database becomes corrupt and
you do not have a current backup file,
you may be able to save you data by
running this utility.

When select the option button, the utility
will automatically run. Since this is not a
guarantee of data recovery, you will need
to check your data for accuracy.

Select Database
Select Scheduled Jobs (5-6)

This screen configures the tasks that the
Schedule Module (Menu 6.) will perform.

To enable a task:

1. Select a task in the window then
select Edit .

2. Select the Enabled box to the right to
activate the task. You can now change
the various time settings within that
scheduled task.

3. To exit, select Save , or Cancel

4. Repeat these steps to activate any
other task(s).

P:\Installation Instructions\Access Controls\Inst-E5\INST-E5.vsd Rev C 03-13 Page: 26