SDC E5 Series Access Control System User Manual

Page 11

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Select System
Select Set System Parameters (1-1)

Use this menu to set the way that the software communicates to the readers. By selecting Edit
you can change the following parameters:

Communication Rate : 9600 baud (default) or 19200 baud.

Data Format : 7 bits 1 stop bit odd parity (default) or 8 bits 1 stop bit no parity.

Language : English (default)

Way to Export : No Export (default), To a fixed file, Daily Export, Monthly Export

Automatic Execution : Disable (default) or Enable. This enables the transaction export feature .

The communication rate and the data format must match the settings of both the PC comport
settings in your PC and the Com Settings at each reader. The factory default settings of the
readers are 9600 baud with a format of o,7,1 .

Once your changes are complete, press Save

to exit, or Cancel .

P:\Installation Instructions\Access Controls\Inst-E5\INST-E5.vsd Rev C 03-13 Page: 8