SDC E5 Series Access Control System User Manual

Page 17

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Note: Both the Job Title and Department fields are optional. If you include them in
each user’s profile you may use them in the report module to sort your user and
transaction data.


Select Users
Select Department Setting (2-2)

Add, edit, or delete department codes
using this screen. Users may be
assigned to a department through the
Cardholder Profile screen.

Select Edit

to add or change a

department code. Be sure to press Enter
on your keyboard after each new or
edited department code entry.

Select a department name and press
Delete to delete a department

Use Save

to exit, or Cancel


Select Users
Select Job Title Setting (2-3)

Add, edit, or delete Job Title codes using
this screen. Users may be assigned to a
Job Title through the Cardholder Profile

Select Edit

to add or change a Job

Title code. Be sure to press Enter on your
keyboard after each new or edited Job Title
code entry.

Select a Job Title name and press Delete
to delete a Job Title

Use Save

to exit, or Cancel


P:\Installation Instructions\Access Controls\Inst-E5\INST-E5.vsd Rev C 03-13 Page: 14