Definitions – ETC SmartPack v2.1.0 User Manual

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SmartLink™ Enabled



Host Product - any SmartPack, SmartSwitch, Unison DRd with SmartLink or Sensor+
with SmartLink within a system that sends specific host messages to other SmartLink
enabled products in the system for preset and sequence synchronization.

Station Master - any SmartLink enabled host product, with a LinkPower Supply
(S-LPS) or Station Power Module (S-SPM) installed that is configured via the menu to
control wall stations. The station master will track and update LED status when preset
or sequence changes occur and receive host messages from the wall stations when a
button is pressed and released. In addition the “station master” will act as the “host
product” for preset and sequence synchronization. ETC reccommends configuring the
product with the LinkPower supply installed and the station data runs terminated as the
“station master”.

Host Messages - specific configuration settings and events sent from the host product
to other SmartLink enabled products for lock step synchronization of preset and
sequence playback. Host messages communicated include:

DMX Loss Behavior: Hold Last Look, Wait and Fade, or Fade to Preset. Wait and
Fade Times or Fade to Preset Number, if applicable

Sequence: Start, Stop and Loop Yes or No

Preset: Fade Up Time, Fade Down Time and Hold Time

Language: Language selected

Station Master: Enable or Disable

Power Up Behavior: Normal or Previous State