Views 3, About views 3 – Apple Newton Programmer’s Newton 2.0 (for Newton 2.0) User Manual
Page 85

About Views
C H A P T E R 3
Figure 3-0
Table 3-0
This chapter provides the basic information you need to know about views and how
to use them in your application.
You should start with this chapter if you are creating an application for Newton
devices, as views are the basic building blocks for most applications. Before
reading this chapter, you should be familiar with the information in Newton Toolkit
User’s Guide and The NewtonScript Programming Language.
This chapter introduces you to views and related items, describing
views, templates, the view coordinate system, and the instantiation process for
creating a view
common tasks, such as creating a template, redrawing a view, creating special
view effects, and optimizing a view’s performance
view constants, methods, and functions
About Views
Views are the basic building blocks of most applications. Nearly every individual
visual item you see on the screen—for example, a radio button, or a checkbox—is
a view, and there may even be views that are not visible. Views display information
to the user in the form of text and graphics, and the user interacts with views by
tapping them, writing in them, dragging them, and so on.
Different types of views have inherently different behavior, and you can include
your own methods in views to further enhance their behavior. The primitive view
classes provided in the Newton system are described in detail in Table 2-2 (page 2-4)
in the Newton Programmer’s Reference.
You create or lay out a view with the Newton Toolkit’s graphic editor. The Newton
Toolkit creates a template; that is, a data object that describes how the view will
look and act on the Newton. Views are then created from templates when the
application runs on the Newton.