Apple Newton Programmer’s Newton 2.0 (for Newton 2.0) User Manual
Page 423
C H A P T E R 1 0
Recognition: Advanced Topics
Summary of Advanced Topics in Recognition
// use custom dictionaries only
inputMask: vCustomDictionaries, // default
// dictionaries to use for recognition
dictionaries: kSymbolsDictionary, // default
// don’t enable symbols dictionary twice
inhibitSymbolsDictionary: true // default
// recognize letter-by-letter instead of w/ dictionaries
ROM_rcTryLettersConfig :=
// do not change value of this slot
_proto: ROM_rcDefaultConfig, // default
//interpret all input strokes as a single word
letterSpaceCursiveOption: nil, // default
// recognize non-dictionary words and numbers
inputMask: vLettersAllowed+vNumbersAllowed, // default
// use as-is to implement your own form of deferred recog
ROM_rcRerecognizeConfig :=
// use value of doTextRecognition slot
allowTextRecognition: true, // default
// text recognition enabled
doTextRecognition: true, // default
// amount of time to spend analyzing input
speedCursiveOption: 2, // default
// do not segment strokes
letterSpaceCursiveOption: nil, // default
Supporting Frames Used In RecConfig Frames
// specifies baseline info to recognizer
rcBaseInfo :=
// y-coordinate of the view’s baseline
// in screen coords (global coords).
// Positive offset (in pixels) from base
// to the top of a lowercase “x”