Localization 2, Developer signature guidelines 2 – Apple Newton Programmer’s Newton 2.0 (for Newton 2.0) User Manual

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C H A P T E R 2

Getting Started




If you don't remove references to unused soups, entries, cursors,
and other objects, the objects will not be garbage collected,
reducing the amount of RAM available to the system and
other applications.



If your application displays strings, and you want your application to run on
localized Newton products, you should consider localizing your application. This
involves translating strings to other languages and using other formats for dates,
times, and monetary values.

There are some features of NTK that make string localization simple, allowing you
to define the language at compile time to build versions in different languages
without changing the source files. Refer to Newton Toolkit User’s Guide for more

For details on localizing an application, see Chapter 20, “Localizing Newton

Developer Signature Guidelines


To avoid name conflicts with other Newton application, you need to register a
single developer signature with Newton DTS. You can then use this signature as
the basis for creating unique application symbols, soup names and other global
symbols and strings according to the guidelines described in this section.



A signature is an arbitrary sequence of approximately 4 to 10 characters. Any
characters except colons (:) and vertical bars(|) can be used in a signature. Case is
not significant.

Like a handwritten signature, the developer signature uniquely identifies a Newton
application developer. The most important characteristic of a signature is that it is
unique to a single developer, which is why Newton DTS maintains a registry of
developer signatures. Once you have registered a signature with Newton DTS it is
yours, and will not be assigned to any other developer.