The newtonscript language 1, What’s new in newton 2.0 1 – Apple Newton Programmer’s Newton 2.0 (for Newton 2.0) User Manual

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The NewtonScript Language

The NewtonScript Language


You write Newton applications in NewtonScript, a dynamic object-oriented
language developed especially for the Newton platform, though the language is
highly portable. NewtonScript is designed to operate within tight memory
constraints, so is well suited to small hand-held devices like Newton.

NewtonScript is used to define, access, and manipulate objects in the Newton
system. NewtonScript frame objects provide the basis for object-oriented features
such as inheritance and message sending.

Newton Toolkit normally compiles NewtonScript into byte codes. The Newton
system software contains a byte code interpreter that interprets the byte codes at
run time. This has two advantages: byte codes are much smaller than native code,
and Newton applications are easily portable to other processors, since the
interpreter is portable. Newton Toolkit can also compile NewtonScript into native
code. Native code occupies much more space than interpreted code, but in certain
circumstances it can execute much faster.

For a complete reference to NewtonScript, refer to The NewtonScript Programming

What’s New in Newton 2.0


Version 2.0 of the Newton System Software brings many changes to all areas.
Some programming interfaces have been extended; others have been completely
replaced with new interfaces; and still other interfaces are brand new. For those
readers familiar with previous versions of system software, this section gives a
brief overview of what is new and what has changed in Newton 2.0, focusing on
those programming interfaces that you will be most interested in as a developer.



NewtApp is a new application framework designed to help you build a complete,
full-featured Newton application more quickly. The NewtApp framework consists
of a collection of protos that are designed to be used together in a layered hierarchy.
The NewtApp framework links together soup-based data with the display and
editing of that data in an application. For many types of applications, using the
NewtApp framework can significantly reduce development time because the protos
automatically manage many routine programming tasks. For example, some of the
tasks the protos support include filing, finding, routing, scrolling, displaying an
overview, and soup management.