Using bitmaps 13 – Apple Newton Programmer’s Newton 2.0 (for Newton 2.0) User Manual

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C H A P T E R 1 3

Drawing and Graphics

Using the Drawing Interface


Using Bitmaps


You can dynamically create and destroy bitmaps, draw into them, and perform
operations on them such as rotating, flipping, and sizing. This flexible treatment of
bitmaps allows you to use them as offscreen buffers and for storage of documents
such as fax pages.

You can create and use bitmap images with the drawing bitmap functions. To create
a bitmap you first allocate a bitmap that will contain the drawing with the


function. Then create a shape with the




takes the drawing and draws it into the bitmap. The final step

is to draw the bitmap on the Newton screen with the



The following example shows how to draw a bitmap. It creates a bitmap by drawing
a shape and draws it onto the screen. This example then rotates the shape, scales it,
and redraws it on the Newton:

bitmapWidth := 90;

bitmapHeight := 120;

vfBlack := 5;

// allocate a new bitmap

bitmap := MakeBitmap(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, nil);

// make a shape and draw it into the bitmap

shapes := MakeOval(0, 0, 50, 75);

DrawIntoBitmap(shapes, {fillPattern: vfBlack}, bitmap);

// draw the bitmap

GetRoot():DrawShape(bitmap, {transform: [100, 100]});

// Rotation is a destructive operation: it replaces the

// old bitmap with the new rotated bitmap.

MungeBitmap(bitmap, 'rotateRight, nil);

// translate and scale the bitmap

fromRect := SetBounds(0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight);

toRight := 100 + floor(bitmapWidth * 1.25);

toBottom := 200 + floor(bitmapHeight * 1.25);

toRight := 100 + bitmapWidth * 5 div 4;

toBottom := 200 + bitmapHeight * 5 div 4;

toRect := SetBounds(100, 200, toRight, toBottom);

// draw the bitmap again

GetRoot():DrawShape(bitmap, {transform: [fromRect,
