Transport interface 22, About transports 22 – Apple Newton Programmer’s Newton 2.0 (for Newton 2.0) User Manual

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About Transports


C H A P T E R 2 2

Transport Interface


Figure 22-0
Table 22-0

This chapter describes the Transport interface in Newton system software. The
Transport interface lets you provide additional communication services to the system.

You should read this chapter if you are writing a low-level communication tool or
special endpoint that you want to make available as a transport for applications to
use. If you are writing only an application, you need only use the Routing interface
described in Chapter 21, “Routing Interface.”

This chapter describes how to

create a transport and make it available to the system

create a routing information template, for use by the In/Out Box

control the built-in status templates, if you need to provide status information to
the user

create a routing slip template, if your transport sends data

create a transport preferences template, if your transport has user-
configurable options

About Transports


A transport is a NewtonScript object that provides a communication service to the
Newton In/Out Box. It usually interfaces between the In/Out Box and an endpoint
(see Figure 1-2 on page 1-12), moving data between the two. This chapter describes
the transport object and its interface to the In/Out Box.

Applications interact with transports through the Routing interface and the In/Out
Box. The In/Out Box serves as the bridge between applications and transports,
neither of which knows about the other.

Most transports are visible as items in the Action picker menu. The transports
available in the picker are not specified directly by an application, but consist of all
the transports found that can handle the kind of data the application routes. Because
this menu is constructed dynamically, applications can take advantage of additional