Utilities 1, Books 1 – Apple Newton Programmer’s Newton 2.0 (for Newton 2.0) User Manual

Page 72

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C H A P T E R 1



What’s New in Newton 2.0

There have been significant changes in the handling of binary (raw) data. For input,
you can now target a direct data input object, resulting in significantly faster
performance. For output, you can specify offsets and lengths, allowing you to send
the data in chunks.

Additionally, there is now support for multiple simultaneous communication



Many new utility functions are available in Newton 2.0. There are several new
deferred, delayed, and conditional message-sending functions. New array functions
provide ways to insert elements, search for elements, and sort arrays. Additionally,
there’s a new set of functions that operate on sorted arrays using binary search
algorithms. New and enhanced string functions support rich strings, perform
conditional substring substitution, tokenize strings, and perform case-sensitive
string compares. A new group of functions gets, sets, and checks for the existence
of global variables and functions.



New Book Reader features include better browser behavior (configurable
auto-closing), expanded off-line bookkeeping abilities, persistent bookmarks, the
ability to remove bookmarks, and more efficient use of memory.

New interfaces provide additional ways to navigate in books, customize Find
behavior, customize bookmarks, and add help books. Book Reader also supports
interaction with new system messages related to scrolling, turning pages, installing
books, and removing books. Additional interfaces are provided for adding items to
the status bar and the Action menu.