Apple IIgs User Manual
Page 82
Page 82 of 84
II gs
Printed: Thursday, July 25, 2002 12:14:50 PM
spreadsheet application: An application that simplifies financial planning, cost estimating,
and other number-crunching tasks. It is laid out in columns and rows.
START13: An application on the DOS 3.3 System Master disk that makes it possible to run DOS
3.2-based applications.
start up: To load an application from a disk into the memory of the computer. Also called boot.
startup disk: A disk used to start up the computer.
stop bits: One or two bits that indicate the end of a character.
structured language: A type of programming language in which programs are built out of smaller
subprograms. Programs that are planned in advance instead of designed on the fly. Pascal is an
example of a structured programming language.
subdirectory: A directory within a directory that usually contains related documents; used to
organize the information on large-capacity disks.
subscript: Text that appears slightly lower than the text around it. Compare superscript.
super-high resolution: A graphics mode that can display information using a rectangular array
of 640 horizontal by 200 vertical dots in 4 colors or 320 horizontal by 200 vertical dots in 16
SuperPILOT: An Apple version of the PILOT programming language. See PILOT.
superscript: Text that appears slightly higher than the text around it. Compare subscript.
Super Serial Card: A serial interface card manufactured by Apple Computer, Inc. You don't need
to use one with the Apple IIgs because the serial interface is built-in and can be accessed
through the printer and modem ports.
syntax: The rules that govern the structure of statements or instructions in a programming
language or in an operating system.
syntax error message: A message you get when you misspell a computer command.
synthesizer: See music synthesizer.
SYSOP: See system operator.
system configuration: See configuration.
System Disk: Disk containing applications that copy, delete, rename and in other ways
manipulate the information on disks.
system operator: Abbreviated SYSOP. The human operator of a computerized bulletin board.
System Disk: Disk containing an application with programs that copy, delete, rename and in
other ways manipulate files and disks.
Tab: A key that, when pressed, moves the insertion point to the next tab marker.
tape backup: A duplicate on magnetic tape of the information on a hard disk. The alternative to
tape backup is copying onto a second hard disk (which is pretty expensive) or copying dozens of
3.5-inch disks (which is time-consuming).