Apple IIgs User Manual

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II gs
Printed: Thursday, July 25, 2002 12:14:50 PM

extended 80-column card: An interface card used in other models of the Apple II that adds 64K
of memory and makes it possible for the computer to display information in 80-column format
instead of the standard 40-column format.

field: A word you'll run across in data base applications and ads for data base applications.
It refers to a category of information. If your data base is an address book, name and address
will be two of the fields.

file: A collection of information that you store on a disk. Also called a document.

file management: A general term for copying files, deleting files, and for other housekeeping
chores involving the contents of disks.

file menu: A menu in mouse-based applications that lists commands that affect whole documents
commands like Save, Print, and Quit.

filename: The name you give your file (document) before you save it on a disk.

firmware: Another name for the programs in ROM (read-only memory). It's more permanent than the
software in RAM (random-access memory) thus the name.

5.25-inch disk: A disk 5.25 inches in diameter that you can use with the Apple IIgs. For many
years, the only type of disk you could use with Apple II computers. It can store 143K of
information (about 70 pages of text). Compare 3.5-inch disk.

folder: An icon that represents a subdirectory. A way to group related documents together on a

font: Size and style of characters (bold, italic, and so on).

footer: Text that appears at the bottom of every page or every other page in a document.
Compare header.

format: To divide a disk into sections where information can be stored. Disks must be formatted
before you can save information on them. Also called initialize.

form feed: The way perforated printer paper is pulled into position for printing. Compare
friction feed.

formula: An equation. By writing formulas to define relationships between the various numbers
in your spreadsheet, you can try out different numbers, and the formulas will recalculate all
the totals for you.

FORTH: A programming language.

Fortran: A programming language.

40-column display: The number of characters per line that are displayed on the screen. The
options are 40 and 80 columns.

free-form data base: A data base that lets you enter information in paragraph form (instead of
by categories) and designate key words that you can search for later.

friction feed: The way a printer moves individual sheets of paper into position for printing.
It's the same way typewriters move paper into position. Compare form feed.

full-duplex modem: A modem that echoes information it receives back to the sending computer.