Full band phase control, The system setup menu 06 – Pioneer SC-LX90 User Manual
Page 49

The System Setup menu
Advanced EQ Setup – Use this to select the time
period that will be used for frequency adjustment and
calibration, based on the reverb measurement of
your listening area. Note that customizing system
calibration using this setup will alter the settings you
made in
Automatically setting up for surround sound
(MCACC & Full Band Phase Control) on page 11 or
Automatic MCACC (Expert) on page 40 and is not
necessary if you’re satisfied with these settings.
If you selected ‘Reverb Measurement’, select EQ
ON or OFF, and then START.
The following options determine how the reverb
characteristics of your listening area are displayed in
Reverb View and Output PC (Data Management):
EQ OFF – You will see the reverb characteristics of
your listening area
without the equalization
performed by this amplifier (before calibration).
EQ ON – You will see the reverb characteristics of
your listening area
with the equalization performed
by this amplifier (after calibration).
Note that the EQ
response may not appear entirely flat due to
adjustments necessary for your listening area.
When the reverb measurement is finished, you can select
Reverb View to see the results on-screen. See
Professional Calibration EQ graphical output on page 118
for troubleshooting information.
If you selected ‘Reverb View’, you can check the
reverb characteristics for each channel. Press RETURN
when you’re done.
This appears according to the setting you chose in
Reverb Measurement (step 3 above). Use the
buttons to select the channel and the frequency you want
to check. Use the
/ buttons to go back and forth
between the two. Note that the markers on the vertical
axis indicate decibels in 2 dB steps.
If ‘Advanced EQ Setup’ is selected, enter the
desired time setting for calibration. Press
to proceed
to the next screen, and then select START.
Based on the reverb measurement above, you can
choose the time period that will be used for the final
frequency adjustment and calibration. Even though you
can make this setting without reverb measurement, it is
best to use the measurement results as a reference for
your time setting. For an optimal system calibration
based on the direct sound coming from the speakers, we
recommend using the
30~50ms setting.
Use the
/ buttons to select the channel, frequency,
and time setting. Use the
/ buttons to switch
between them.
You can switch between your connected speakers
(excluding the subwoofer), and display the
measurements for the following frequencies:
125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1kHz, 2kHz, 4kHz, 8kHz and
Select the setting from the following time periods (in
0~20ms, 10~30ms, 20~40ms, 30~50ms,
40~60ms, 50~70ms and 60~80ms. This setting will be
applied to all channels during calibration.
When you’re finished, select
START. It will take about 2
to 4 minutes for the calibration to finish.
After the Acoustic Calibration Equalization is set, you are
given the option to check the settings on-screen.
Full Band Phase Control
The Full Band Phase Control feature calibrates the
frequency-phase characteristics of the speakers
connected and corrects the phase distortion. This
amplifier analyzes the frequency-phase characteristics of
the speakers by calibrating test signals output from the
speakers with the supplied microphone, therefore
flattening the analyzed frequency-phase characteristics
during audio signal playback. This correction minimizes
group delay between the middle- and low-frequency
ranges and improves the frequency-phase
characteristics across all ranges. Furthermore, the
enhanced frequency-phase characteristics between
channels ensure better surround sound integration for
multichannel sources. For details, see
Using Full Band
Phase Control on page 14.
1 The calibration corresponding to the currently selected MCACC preset will be used when
EQ ON is selected. To use another MCACC preset, exit the
System Setup menu and press
MCACC to select it before pressing SETUP.
M C AC C :
M 1 . M E M O RY 1
R ev e r b M e a s u r e w i t h
[ S TA RT ]
: C a n c e l
3 f 1 . R ev e r b M e a s u r e m e n t
DV D / L D
- 5 5 . 0 dB
N ow A n a ly z i n g …
( 2 / 5 )
E nv i ro n m e n t C h e ck
A m b i e n t
N o i s e
M i c ro p h o n e
S p e a k e r
L ev e l
: C a n c e l
3 f 1 . Reverb Measurement
DV D / L D
0 . 0 dB
M 1 : E Q O F F
C h
F q [
1 2 5 H z ]
: R e t u r n
3 f 2 . R ev e r b V i ew
DV D / L D
- 5 5 . 0 dB
C h
F q [ 1 2 5 H z ]
T m [ 3 0 - 5 0 m s ]
: C a n c e l
3 f 3 . Adv. EQ Setup (1/2)
DV D / L D
- 5 5 . 0 dB
: M 1 . M E M O RY 1
E Q Ty p e [ S Y M M E T RY ]
S t a n d . Wav e M u l t i - Po i n t
[ N O ]
: C a n c e l
E N T E R : S t a r t
3 f 3 . A dv. E Q S e t u p ( 2 / 2 )
DV D / L D
- 5 5 . 0 dB
SC_LX90_WY.book Page 49 Wednesday, February 6, 2008 11:49 AM