Put files in the predesktop area directories, Delete files from the predesktop area directories, Rename a file in the predesktop area – Lenovo ThinkPad R61i User Manual

Page 42: Test for rescue and recovery being installed

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Wildcards are not supported in this function. You must understand the

Predesktop Area environment before attempting any modifications.

Put files in the Predesktop Area directories


Update (add/replace) files in \preboot, \minint, or root of the PE partition either
virtual or type 12:

Place all the files in a temp folder on drive c:\. Based on location in the temp
directory, the files will be copied into the PE partitions in the same locations.
For example, to add/replace a file.cmd file in \preboot\startup, the user would
place the file.cmd file in c:\tempdir\preboot\startup and then run the
command “RRUTIL /p c:\tempdir”.


Sample Command: RRUTIL /p c:\PDATemp contained in c:\PDATemp would
be a mirror image of the directory structure of \preboot, \minint, or root of
Predesktop Area. The files in the root of c:\PDATemp would put the files in the
root of the PE partition.

Delete files from the Predesktop Area directories

RRUTIL /d C:\temp\dellist.txt

Delete a file in the \preboot, \minint, or root of the Rescue and Recovery partition
either virtual or type-12:

Delete the file(s) of \preboot. \minint, or root of the PE partition either virtual
or type 12 based on the contents of a text file.


Dellist.txt must contain a tree structure of the files to be deleted from the PDA.


Sample Command: RRUTIL /d dellist.txt dellist.txt contents:


Sample file name only


Sample file name only

Rename a file in the Predesktop Area

RRUTIL /r \\oldfilename.ext newfilename.ext

Rename a file located in the Predesktop Area. This function only works on files in
the Predesktop Area. The path to the file to be renamed must be included without
the drive letter. The new name of the file should only include the name without
any path information.


RRUTIL –r \preboot\usrintfc\peaccessibmen.ini peaccessibmen.old

Test for Rescue and Recovery being installed


This command can be used in a batch file to help in automated processing. If the
Rescue and Recovery code is not installed on the system only, the functions that
access the Predesktop Area will be available.



Results in the environment variable %errorlevel% being set to -2, if Rescue and
Recovery is not installed on the system, or 0 if Rescue and Recovery is installed.
Type echo %errorlevel% to see the results of the command.


Rescue and Recovery 4.21 Deployment Guide