Output end (reset) modes - out1 end, out2 end 27, Reset output with count (rst/c-en or ds) 27, Request message (reqmsg#—) 27 – Red Lion LEGEND User Manual
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The Output End modes operate with a timed or latched output mode. If either
output is selected as boundary, the Output End modes are NOT available. Output
End Modes apply only to outputs 1 and 2 when assigned to the Process counter. If
the output is set for TIMED, the output may de-activate from timing out or when
the output end mode is reached, whichever occurs first.
@OUT2 (Output 1 End at Output 2 Start)
Output 1 resets to its inactive state when output 2 becomes active. This
action occurs when the count equals the preset value or zero (Reset to
Preset Modes). This mode does not apply if the output is activated by a
User Input programmed for Set Output.
@OUT2END (Output 1 End at Timed Output 2 End)
Output 1 resets to its inactive state when output 2’s time delay expires.
@ OUT1 (Output 2 End at Output 1 Start)
Output 2 resets to its inactive state when output 1 becomes active. This
action occurs when the count equals the preset value or zero (Reset to
Preset Modes). This mode does not apply if the output is activated by a
User Input programmed for Set Output.
@OUT1END (Output 2 End at Timed Output 1 End)
Output 2 resets to its inactive state when output 1’s time delay expires.
OUTPUT POWER UP STATE ([email protected], [email protected] OR ON
Each output can be programmed individually to have the state of the output
OFF at power up ([email protected]), saved at power down ([email protected]) or ON at
power up (ON @P.UP). The save at power down option restores the state of the
output to what it was at power down when power is restored. The save at power
down option DOES NOT restore a timed output to the active state if the output
was active at power down. The [email protected] and ON @P.UP option refers to the
active state of the output, which is determined by the Output Phase.
If Reset with Count is enabled, the output resets with a manual reset of the
Process, Batch, Total or Rate display. If Reset with Count is Disabled, the output
does NOT reset when a manual reset is performed on the value to which the
output is assigned.
The selected message is requested when the output is activated. This may be a
maintained or momentary request, as selected in the Program Message Module.
A dash ‘-’ indicates that no message is to be requested. The output must be active
for a minimum of 50 msec for the request to be seen.