Exit – DAVIS GroWeatherLink Software User Manual

Page 36

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File Menu


To compare databases archived on separate computers, copy the station configu-
ration file, as well as the source files, from the source database.

See “Database Organization” on page 97 for details on the station configura-
tion and source files.

The data merge does not change the time or data of merged data.

This means that it can not solve the problem of weather stations that have
been re-powered and thereby had their dates reset to January 1.

Differences in calibration numbers or settings are not taken into account.

Data notes in the source file are not copied into the merged data file.

After the merge, it is important to check the data (paying special attention to the
barometer readings).

Always examine merge results critically after performing a data merge. Use
the “Edit a Record” feature (page 79) to fine tune the data as needed. If you are
not satisfied with the results of the merge, you can restore the original,
unmerged data file by deleting the merged data file and renaming the backup
file to the original three-letter extension.


Only one backup file is made. If you perform multiple merge operations on the same file,
only the results of the last merge can be undone.

Follow the steps below to merge a source data files with original data files:

1. Open the original database - the database with missing data.

2. Choose File Merge from the File menu.

A Merge Data dialog box appears.

3. Select the data file(s) that contain the data that you want to add to the original data-


You can access data files in any directory on your system, but you can only
add files from one directory at a time. The data files are found in the station
directory and will have a name of the form "yyyy-mm.ext" where "yyyy" is the
four digit year, "mm" is the two digit month, and "ext" is the station extension,
usually the same as the first letters of the station directory. For example the file
for March 1999 for a station named "My Weather" would be "1999-03.MYW".
To select multiple files, hold down the Ctrl-key or the Shift-key while clicking.


Directory names longer than 8 characters will appear with a modified name. For example,
a directory named “My Weather Station” might appear as “Myweat~1.”

The extensions of the source data files do not have to be the same as the exten-
sions of the orginal files.

4. Choose OK to merge the selected files (source data) into the original database.

All data from the original database will be preserved in the merge, and any
data points that are missing will be supplied by the source files. If the original
database already has a file for a month that is being merged, the original file’s
extension will be renamed “.bak” so that the merged file can take on the exten-
sion of the original database.


To exit the software, choose Exit from the File menu.