HP Insight Control Software for Linux User Manual

Page 36

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Changing the HP Power Regulator mode may result in a small change in the system minimum

power draw. This will be detected the next time the system is reset, and will affect the minimum possible
power cap for a server or its containing enclosure. HP recommends the use of HP Dynamic Power
Savings mode.


Enter a Power Cap value in the text box.

The type of power cap is determined when selecting:

A single system, the cap is a static single-system cap. If the system features the necessary
hardware and software to support Dynamic Power Capping, the tooltip on the cap value will

display "System supports Dynamic Power Capping." Otherwise, the system supports normal
Power Capping. Dynamic Power Capping is superior because it is capable of reacting to
power level increases fast enough to provide electrical circuit breaker protection. If the text
"System supports Dynamic Power Capping" is not displayed, the system supports normal
Power Capping. Normal power capping does not react fast enough to provide electrical
circuit breaker protection. Once a power cap is set, the average power reading of the system
over time should be at or under the cap value.


For a single server, HP recommends that you not set the power cap to less than 20%

of the difference between maximum power and idle power. To do so may adversely affect
the stability of the operating system.

Multiple systems, the cap is a static group cap. With a static group cap, each system in the
group is assigned a static linear apportionment of the total group cap.


The Power Cap supported systems only will be considered for calculating the

Minimum Power, Maximum Power, Average Power, Maximum Available Power, and Power
Cap Lower Bound.


If the group of systems contain both the Power Cap and Dynamic Power Cap

supported systems, the resulting Power Capping type while configuring systems as a single
group is Power Cap.

An enclosure, the cap is a Enclosure Dynamic Power Cap. This type of cap dynamically sets
and adjusts caps on the individual systems in the enclosure to meet workload demand while
complying with the total enclosure cap.


If you set individual system caps, and then apply an Enclosure Cap, and then turn

off the Enclosure Cap, the initial single system caps will not be restored.


Enclosure Dynamic Power Caps are only set when an enclosure is selected. Selecting

all the blades in an enclosure results in a static group cap.


Do not set a cap on an empty enclosure.

The Power Cap value can be entered in Watts, Btu-hr, or a percentage of the difference between
the Minimum and Maximum Power.

Minimum Power.

This column reflects the measured idle power for the system in its current


Maximum Power.

This column reflects the measured maximum power observed for the system

in its current configuration.

Average Power.

This column reflects the average power observed for the system in its current

configuration for the interval selected in the graph section.

Maximum Available Power.

This column reflects the maximum power available from the

system power supplies or the blade enclosure..

Power Cap Lower Bound.

This column reflects the power cap lower bound.

The value entered should be between the Minimum Power and Maximum Available Power.


Basic procedures