Identifying devices, Deleting target devices, Generating a diagnostic report – HP Smart Storage Administrator User Manual
Page 54
Operations 54
The controller does not need to be specified because it is currently the set target.
Now clear the target, reset it, and enter a few commands for the new set target:
=> clear target
=> set target ctrl slot=3
=> array A add drives=1:7,1:8,1:9
=> array B add spares=1:10,1:11
=> ctrl slot=4 ld 3 modify ss=64
=> modify rp=high
This sequence includes a command for a different target (the controller in slot 4) as a demonstration. The next
command in the sequence (the one for modifying the rebuild priority) applies to the controller in slot 3, not the
one in slot 4. This is because the command does not specify a
default set target is used instead.
Identifying devices
You can enter a command that causes the LEDs on target devices to flash, enabling you to identify the
devices. After an hour, the LEDs stop flashing. You can also stop LED flashing by entering the off command.
Example commands:
=> ctrl ch="Lab 4" modify led=on
=> ctrl ch="Lab 4" array A modify led=off
Deleting target devices
delete several devices simultaneously if they are of similar type by using the all keyword.
Because deleting a target device can result in data loss, the screen displays a warning prompt unless you
include the forced parameter.
Example commands:
=> ctrl ch="Lab 4" delete forced
=> ctrl slot=3 ld all delete
Generating a diagnostic report
HP provides several ways for administrators to generate diagnostic information, including all three HP SSA
formats and the standalone HP Smart Storage Administrator Diagnostics Utility CLI (on page
For VMware ESX 5.x, diagnostic reports are generated differently and require you to run another utility,
HPSSADUESXI, through the VMware vSphere CLI. For more information, see the HP VMware Utilities User
In HP SSA CLI, the diag command outputs diagnostic information about a specified controller or all
controllers on the system. The ssdrpt option generates the SmartSSD Wear Gauge report.
where the following is designated: