HP Smart Storage Administrator User Manual
Hp smart storage administrator user guide

HP Smart Storage Administrator
User Guide
This document identifies, and provides instructions for, the tools available for configuration, management, monitoring, and diagnosing of HP ProLiant
controller and server products. This document is for the person who installs, administers, and troubleshoots servers and storage systems. HP assumes
you are qualified in the servicing of computer equipment and trained in recognizing hazards in products with hazardous energy levels.
Part Number: 742648-002
February 2014
Edition: 2
Table of contents
Document Outline
- HP Smart Storage Administrator User Guide
- Abstract
- Notice
- Contents
- Overview
- Operations
- Accessing HP SSA in the offline environment
- Accessing HP SSA in the online environment
- Using the HP SSA GUI
- Using the HP SSA CLI
- Opening the CLI in Console mode
- Opening the CLI in Command mode
- CLI syntax
- Typical procedures
- Setting the boot controller
- Setting the boot volume
- Setting the target
- Identifying devices
- Deleting target devices
- Generating a diagnostic report
- Erasing a physical drive
- Rescanning the system
- Entering or deleting a license key
- Optimizing controller performance for video
- Creating a logical drive
- Moving a logical drive
- Viewing enclosure information
- Viewing SSD physical drives
- Viewing SSD information
- SmartCache in HPSSACLI
- Rapid Parity Initialization methods
- SSD Over Provisioning Optimization
- Assigning a chassis name to the controller
- Managing spare drives
- Setting the spare activation mode
- Spare Management Mode in HPSSACLI
- Expanding an array
- Shrinking an array
- Moving an array
- Replacing an array
- Setting Auto RAID 0
- Extending a logical drive
- Migrating a logical drive
- Setting the preferred path mode
- Disabling a redundant controller
- Changing the Rebuild Priority setting
- Changing the Expand Priority setting
- Setting the surface scan mode
- Changing the surface scan delay time
- Re-enabling a failed logical drive
- Changing the controller cache ratio
- Enabling or disabling the drive cache
- Enabling or disabling the array accelerator
- Enabling a script to exit on error
- Using the Split Mirror command
- Using HP SSA scripting
- Capturing a configuration
- Using an Input script
- Creating an HP SSA script file
- Script file options
- Control category
- Controller category
- Controller
- CacheState
- ClearConfigurationWithDataLoss
- DPOEnable
- DriveWriteCache
- ElevatorSortEnable
- IRPEnable
- LicenseKey, DeleteLicenseKey
- MNPDelay
- NoBatteryWriteCache
- PreferredPathMode
- QueueDepth
- RapidParityInitialization
- ReadCache, WriteCache
- RebuildPriority, ExpandPriority
- SurfaceScanDelay
- SurfaceScanDelayExtended
- SurfaceScanMode
- Video performance options
- Array category
- Logical Drive category
- Encryption support commands
- Encryption controller category
- AllowPlainText
- AcceptEULA
- ControllerPassword
- ControllerPasswordMode
- Encryption
- EncryptionClearConfig
- EncryptionCryptoPasswordSet
- EncryptionKeyManager
- EncryptionMasterKey
- EncryptionPassword
- EncryptionRecoveryQuestion
- EncryptionRecoveryAnswer
- EncryptionRekeyController
- EncryptionUser
- EncryptionUserPasswordSet
- FirmwareLock
- Encryption logical volume category
- Encryption controller category
- XML support
- HP SSA scripting warning messages
- HP SSA scripting error messages
- Troubleshooting
- HP Smart Storage Administrator Diagnostics Utility CLI
- Drive arrays and fault-tolerance methods
- Diagnosing array problems
- Optional components
- HP Smart Array Advanced Pack
- Acronyms and abbreviations
- Documentation feedback
- Index