HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 70

The Tandem DDE Gateway Browser
Creating Client Applications
110838 Tandem Computers Incorporated
Tandem DDE Gateway
Client applications, especially those written in the C programming language, can
cause the Tandem DDE Gateway to fail. This can happen if the client application
passes data in a DDE Poke function that is invalid for the clipboard format being
used—for example, when a CF_TEXT data value has no terminating byte of binary
zeros. The Tandem DDE Gateway attempts to defend itself against such invalid data,
but to be efficient only a limited amount of checking can be done.
If the Tandem DDE Gateway does not exit normally (for example, it gets a protection
violation), then some of its dynamic link libraries may stay loaded in workstation
memory. This can cause unexpected error messages when the Tandem DDE Gateway
is restarted and connections to the host system are made. Shutting down and
restarting Windows will clear the error situation. Rebooting the workstation should
not be necessary.
The Tandem DDE
Gateway Browser
The Browser is a development tool on the workstation that allows you to browse
through messages and data elements in the Tandem DDE Gateway Dictionary you
created with the Bridge program. You can use “cut and paste” to copy data element
names into your client application to save typing. As the element names are copied to
the clipboard, they can be preceded and followed by text that you define. This text
could, for example, be client application code that uses the element name.
Running the Browser
A configuration file is kept in the current directory in effect when you start the
Browser. This configuration file (BROWSER.INI) can be updated with either a text
editor or the Browser interface itself. The configuration file contains a default Tandem
DDE Gateway Dictionary, default text for the decoration of element names, and a
message name filter (to restrict the messages displayed).
Start the Browser by executing the BROWSER.EXE file from the BROWSER\
Use the File then Open Dictionary menu selections to open a Tandem DDE Gateway
Dictionary. A list of messages will then be displayed.