HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 37

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Gateway Configuration File

Workstation Configuration

110838 Tandem Computers Incorporated


characters starting with a letter for this configuration option. You can enter up to 64
ApplicationName objects in this section.


Enter the PortName, as configured in the [Ports] section, through which the
application can be accessed. You can use up to 30 alphanumeric and hyphen
characters starting with a letter for this configuration option. A maximum of 16
PortNames can be configured in the [Ports] section.


If no ApplicationName is specified, an ApplicationName of DEFAULT is
configured with a PortName of DEFAULT.

If an ApplicationName is specified without a PortName, then the
ApplicationName is automatically configured with a PortName of DEFAULT.
You can also enter an ApplicationName and explicitly associate it with the
PortName of DEFAULT, or you can enter an ApplicationName of DEFAULT and
associate it with a specific port.







[ApplicationHostEnvironments] Section

You can make an entry in this section for each ApplicationName object configured in
the [ApplicationPorts] section described above. You can associate each
ApplicationName with a different Tandem Pathway environment and/or Expand
node name using the following syntax:



Enter an ApplicationName that has been declared in the [ApplicationPorts] section or
DEFAULT. You can use up to 30 alphanumeric and hyphen characters starting with a
letter for this configuration option.


Enter an Expand node name and a PATHMON process name, or just a PATHMON
process name (such as \ATHENS.$PAY or just $PAY). If your client application
communicates directly with Guardian processes (not through Pathway), then the
Expand node name you enter will be used to qualify Guardian process names that
have been associated with a ServiceName object and do not have Expand node names.