Tpnewchg, New and changed information – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
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New and Changed Information
110838 Tandem Computers Incorporated
New Features and
Changed Information
The Tandem DDE Gateway User’s Guide includes the following new features and
changed information:
New and Changed Information
Section 2
The [ApplicationDdeDicts] section has been added to the Gateway Configuration
Section 2
There are three new options for the Gateway Configuration File:
ClientResponseDdeTimeout, NumberOfUmsSessions and UmsPollingInterval.
Section 2
How to start the Tandem DDE Gateway from your client application is described
in Section 2.
Section 4
The Display Element Names Backwards and Clipboard in Lowercase options
have been added.
Section 4
There are new application design considerations when you are using Microsoft
Visual Basic and Powersoft PowerBuilder.
Section 5
The Tandem DDE Gateway Bridge program can now select message definitions
from a DDL dictionary by matching a character string.
Section 7
The section “Using DDE Hot and Warm Data Links” has been added.
Section 8
Now you can examine and change UMS messages as they arrive from the
Tandem system.
Section 8
The User Hook Library Function TDMGW_HOOK_ENABLE_UMS_POST_REC -
TdmgwHookUmsPostReceiveMessage has been added.
Section 9
Section 9 includes information about what to do when application data does not
arrive at the client application when you are using the RSC Unsolicited Message
Service (UMS) feature.