HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 124

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110838 Tandem Computers Incorporated

When you connect a Tandem DDE Gateway port, either automatically when the
Tandem DDE Gateway is started or with a menu selection, Remote Server Call
(RSC) attempts to locate a number of files. RSC looks for its error file (specified
with the RSC ERROR_FILE option), the RSC dynamic-link library (DLL), and an
RSC initialization file.

First ensure that the ERROR_FILE option is correct, that the RSC DLL is
somewhere in the DOS PATH, and that the RscIniFile and RscIniSection options in
the gateway configuration file (TDMGW.INI) are correct.

If the A: drive is still accessed, then most likely the Tandem DDE Gateway is not
finding your PortName object configuration section in the gateway configuration
file (TDMGW.INI) causing the Tandem DDE Gateway and RSC to take defaults
and consequently look for a file on the A: drive. Check the following:

If you have specified the TdmgwConfigurationFile option in the WIN.INI file,
ensure that the file indicated actually exists.

In the [Ports] section of the gateway configuration file (TDMGW.INI), ensure
that the PortConfigurationFile and PortConfigurationSection attributes are
correct for each PortName object. The PortConfigurationFile attribute should
usually be omitted (to take the default) or be a fully qualified file name.

In the PortName object configuration section of the gateway configuration file
(TDMGW.INI), ensure that RscIniFile and RscIniSection options are correct.

See the RSC manuals for details on RSC configuration options.

When using the Remote Server Call (RSC) Unsolicited Message Service (UMS)
feature with the Tandem DDE Gateway, application data does not arrive at the
client application.

If you are using the Tandem DDE Gateway example application RSC Unsolicited
Message Service (UMS) example clients, edit the configuration of the Pathway
server EMPLOYEE-SERVER in the file PATHCNFG. Comments in the
PATHCNFG indicate the necessary changes.

Check your Tandem program that creates the UMS message by communicating
with the RSC Transaction Delivery Process (TDP). If you are doing a write
operation to the TDP, make sure your program is successfully executing the
operation. Since RSC does not return an error if data in the RSC header of the
UMS message is invalid for write operations, consider changing your program to
use a writeread operation temporarily so that you can see if RSC returns an error
in the RSC header of the reply message.

Inspect your source code to ensure that your Tandem program is using the TDP
process and the Tandem Expand node that you require. Also, check the
information that you provide in the RSC header such as RSC terminal name, alias
type, and alias name. Confirm that your Tandem program is passing the DDE
item name that you require.

Check your Tandem DDE Gateway configuration file (usually TDMGW.INI) to
ensure that the NumberOfUmsSessions option is set to 1, the RSC terminal name