HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 26

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Client Programming

Introduction to the Tandem DDE Gateway


110838 Tandem Computers Incorporated

Tools and languages that support calls to Windows DLLs can call the Microsoft DDE
Management Library (DDEML) to communicate with the Tandem DDE Gateway. For
a full description of the Microsoft DDE Management Library, see the manuals
provided with your Windows C language development environment. Alternatively,
you can order the Microsoft Windows 3.1 Programmer's Reference Library from Microsoft
Press. Windows programming books are also widely available in book stores
specializing in computer-related publications. Also, you can review the DDEML
examples provided with the Tandem DDE Gateway in the EXAMPLES subdirectory
on the workstation.


The client application syntax necessary to communicate with the Tandem DDE Gateway varies from tool
to tool. Consult the tool’s documentation for details of how DDE functions are supported. It should be
noted that, although the DDE protocol is standard, the verbs used in client tools are not. It may be
necessary to review the descriptions of the DDE verbs for a given tool and match them up to the verbs
used in this manual. (This manual uses the names for DDE functions from Microsoft Excel). Table 1-1 on
page 1-19 shows some selected DDE verbs from selected client application languages.

Interfacing Client Tools to the Tandem DDE Gateway

You can interface client tools to the Tandem DDE Gateway by using DDE verbs built
into client tools by their publishers or by calling the Microsoft DDE Management
Library (DDEML) DLL from client application code, as illustrated in Figure 1-6.

Figure 1-6. Client Tools and DDE Interfaces

Client Tools
with Built-in

DDE Verbs

and DLL Call


Microsoft DDE Management Library

Dynamic Link Library

Microsoft Windows Dynamic Data Exchange

Tandem DDE Gateway

Client Tools

with DLL Call


Client Tools

with Built-in
DDE Verbs