HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 39

Gateway Configuration File
Workstation Configuration
110838 Tandem Computers Incorporated
If you do not name a PortConfigurationFile and a PortConfigurationSection for a
PortName object, then the default attributes for the port will be picked up from the file
and section with the default names, as described below.
In the current release the defaults RSCSHELL.DLL and TDMCVMAP.DLL are used for the
CommunicationsLibrary and DataConversionMappingLibrary options. These options are included in the
PortName parameter list to allow for future support of Tandem DDE Gateway communications interfaces
other than RSC.
Enter a PortName object name. You can use up to 30 alphanumeric and hyphen
characters starting with a letter for this configuration option.
If you enter no PortName objects, a PortName called DEFAULT with default
options (as described below) is automatically configured.
Enter the name of the configuration file where the port’s attributes are configured.
These attributes are used whenever you make a data communications connection with
the Tandem DDE Gateway.
If you specify this attribute, then normally the file name should be fully qualified with
a disk and directory name.
If you specify just a file name and extension (no directory), then only the Windows directory (the one
containing WIN.COM) will be searched for the specified filename.
If a PortConfigurationFile name is not specified, then the Tandem DDE Gateway
looks for the TDMGW.INI file in the current directory in effect when the Tandem
DDE Gateway was started.
Enter the name of the PortConfigurationSection to be accessed within the
PortConfigurationFile that you specified above. You can enter up to 30 alphanumeric
and hyphen characters starting with a letter for this option. Do not enter square
brackets around the section name.
The PortConfigurationSection contains a number of attributes which define the
characteristics of the PortName object. These attributes are described in detail in the
next section, “PortName Object Configuration Section.”