HP Identity Driven Manager Software Series User Manual
Page 42
Getting Started
Using IDM Reports
authenticate the user has a endpoint integrity solution, the computer where
the user logged in may be checked for integrity criteria such as up-to-date anti-
virus software and an authorized operating system. This report is especially
helpful in identifying computers that require anti-virus, operating system, or
other software installations/updates.
IDM Statistics: The IDM Statistics report shows the total hourly and daily logins
and bandwidth usage during the reporting period. This report is especially
helpful in identifying access profiles that require bandwidth adjustment and
hardware components that require maintenance.
Session History Details: The Session History Details Report shows the detailed
information about all login attempts, whether successful or failed. This report
is especially helpful in identifying login failures and whether an access profile,
location, or user needs to be modified in PCM.
Once the initial report dates and filters are set, you can also configure what
columns you want to include in the report. The available column headings
MAC Address
Device Port
Endpoint Integrity State
BW (Bandwidth)
Unsuccessful Login Report: The Unsuccessful Login Report lists failed system
logins, which can be filtered by date. The report includes the following
information for each failed login
User Bandwidth Usage Report: The Bandwidth Usage Report summarizes sys-
tem usage by users. This report can include all users or be limited to only the
top bandwidth users during the reporting period. This report is especially
helpful in identifying candidates for throttling.
User MAC Addresses: The User MAC Addresses shows the MAC address of
every computer from which the user logged in during the report period. This
report is especially helpful when setting up login restrictions and for account-
ing purposes.
User Report: The User Report lists information for recent sessions in which the
user participated, similar to the Session History report.