HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 103

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Table 54 Parameters for the FCESTABL Command (Version 2/Dataset Copying)




Specifies the extent (copy range) by
setting the same starting and ending
addresses of the source and target with
CCHH (cylinder and head numbers).
From the copy source, the specified
data is copied to the same offset
position on the copy target. Up to 32
extents can be specified. When
EXTENTS is not specified, the data on
all the tracks is copied.

Extents (copy range)


Specifies the extent (copy range) by
setting the starting and ending
addresses of the source, and the
starting and ending addresses of the
target with CCHH (cylinder and head
numbers). From the copy source, the
specified data is copied to a different
offset position on the copy target. Up
to 32 extents can be specified. When
XTNTLST is not specified, the data on
all the tracks is copied.

To execute the XTNTLST parameter, the
size of the copy source extent and the
copy target extent must be the same.

Extents (copy range)


When the FCESTABL command with the EXTENTS parameter specified is executed, only the data
on the copy source extents specified by the EXTENTS parameter is copied from the volume specified
as the source by SDEVN to the volume specified as the target by TDEVN. For example, when you
copy only dataset 2, the copy operation processes as shown in

“Dataset Copying with the EXTENTS

Parameter Specified (Version 2)” (page 103)

. When you do not specify the EXTENTS parameter,

the entire source volume is copied to the target volume.

Figure 57 Dataset Copying with the EXTENTS Parameter Specified (Version 2)

When the FCESTABL command with the XTNTLTS parameter specified is executed, only the data
on the copy source extents specified by the XTNTLTS parameter is copied to the copy target extents
specified by the XTNTLTS parameter. For example, when you copy only dataset 2, the copy

Establishing Version 2 Relationships 103

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