Cdelpair – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 200
Table 64 Using CSUSPEND to Suspend TrueCopy for Mainframe Async Pairs (continued)
after all pending recordsets are settled
(Drain suspend option).
Specifies that all the pairs in the
consistency group should be
suspended. Pending recordsets are not
always settled before suspension (Purge
suspend option).
Specifies that only addressed pair
should be suspended after the pending
recordset for addressed volume settled
(Drain suspend option).
Specifies that only the addressed pair
should be suspended. Pending
recordsets for addressed volume are
not always settled (Purge suspend
Invalid keyword for TrueCopy for
Mainframe Asynchronous pairs.
Invalid keyword for TrueCopy for
Mainframe Asynchronous pairs.
cmd_param parameter is for TrueCopy for Mainframe Async only. For Sync replace cmd_param with the serial
number of the primary storage system.
If the first digit of the
cmd_param is other than A, the storage system interprets this command
as pair suspension for TrueCopy for Mainframe Synchronous or ShadowImage for Mainframe.
The D and P in
cmd_param indicate the Drain and Purge options.
When P (Purge) is specified, it is not possible to determine exactly which recordset will be
settled before the addressed pair is suspended.
Regardless of the number of pairs to be suspended, this command ends before the actual pair
suspension is successfully completed. Confirmation by CQUERY or IEA494I console message
is recommended after this command.
“Using CDELPAIR to Release TrueCopy for Mainframe Async Pairs/Groups at the MCU” (page 201)
describes how to use the CDELPAIR command to release TrueCopy for Mainframe Asynchronous
pairs and groups at the MCU. The syntax for the CDELPAIR command is:
For 3990-6 and -6E controller emulations:
DEVN(X'dev#') PRIM(X'ssid' cmd_param X'cca' X'lss')
SEC(X'ssid' serial# X'cca' X'lss')
For 2105 and 2107 controller emulation (new 'lss' parameter for LCU number):
DEVN(X'dev#') PRIM(X'ssid' cmd_param X'cca' X'lss')
SEC(X'ssid' serial# X'cca' X'lss')
200 Using PPRC Commands for TrueCopy for Mainframe