HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 181
Table 54 Troubleshooting Suspended TrueCopy for Mainframe Pairs (continued)
Corrective Action
Applies to
Suspend Type
resynchronize the pair from
the MCU (Resume Pair).
caused the MCU to suspend
the pair. The R-VOL suspend
type is R-VOL Failure.
If you need to access the R
VOL to clear the error
conditions, release the pair
from the RCU (Delete Pair).
After you clear the error
conditions from R VOL,
restart the pair (Add Pair).
Release the pair from the
MCU (Delete Pair), and then
The MCU detected that the
R-VOL status changed to
Delete Pair to RCU
restart the pair (Add Pair).
simplex because the user
You should use the Entire
released the pair from the
Volume initial copy option
RCU. The pair cannot be
to resynchronize the pair.
resynchronized because the
You can use the None initial
R-VOL does not have the
suspended status.
copy option only if no data
on the M-VOL or R-VOL
Check the path status on the
RCU Status dialog box (see
The MCU detected an error
during communication with
R-VOL Failure
the RCU or an I/O error
during update copy. In this
If errors occur on the path,
clear the error conditions.
case, the suspend type for
the R-VOL is usually R-VOL
Clear any error conditions
at the RCU or R VOL.
After you clear the error
conditions, resynchronize the
pair from the MCU (Resume
If you need to access the R
VOL to clear the error
conditions, release the pair
from the RCU (Delete Pair).
After you clear the error
conditions from R VOL,
restart the pair (Add Pair).
Resynchronize the pair
(Resume Pair) from the MCU.
The MCU could not find
valid control information in
The MCU will perform an
its nonvolatile memory
entire initial copy operation
during the IMPL procedure.
in response to the
resynchronize pair request.
This error occurs only if the
MCU is without power for
more than 48 hours (power
failure and fully discharged
Release the pair from the
MCU. Clear all error
The MCU suspended this
pair during the initial copy
Initial Copy Failed
conditions at the MCU,
operation. The data on the
M-VOL, RCU, and R-VOL.
R-VOL is not identical to the
Reformat failed track using
data on the M-VOL. Invalid
ICKDSF. Restart the initial
track format can cause this
copy operation using the
Add Pair dialog box.
Resynchronize the pair(s)
from the MCU (Delete Pair)
All TrueCopy for Mainframe
Synchronous pairs in the
using Resume Pair or the
MCU were suspended by
General Troubleshooting