Format, Format -3, To set the path statistics to 0 -3 – HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual
Page 95: To display the format of the clear operation -3

Table 6-1 Operations of the dlnkmgr Command
Initializes(0) the statistics (I/O count and I/O errors) of all paths
managed by the HDLM system. For details, see
Statistics to the Initial Value) on page 6-3
Displays the format of the operations used for HDLM. For details, see
help (Displays the Operation Format) on page 6-5
Places offline an online path or paths. For details, see
Places online an offline path or paths. For details, see
Sets the HDLM operating environment. For details, see
Operating Environment) on page 6-15
Displays HDLM program information, path information, and LU
view (Displays Information) on page 6-24
Execute the HDLM command from the VMware vSphere CLI on the
remote management client.
To specify a value that contains a space in its parameter, enclose the
entire value in double quotes (").
If you perform either of the following operations, the length of time
required to perform the operation (number-of-paths x one second)
depends on the number of paths that are managed by HDLM:
An online or offline operation to change the status of paths
A set operation to change the load-balance settings
clear (Returns the Path Statistics to the Initial Value)
The dlnkmgr command's clear operation clears the statistics (I/O count and
I/O errors) of all paths that are managed by HDLM, and returns them to their
initial value.
To set the path statistics to 0
dlnkmgr [-s host-name -u user-name -p password] clear
-pdst [-s]
To display the format of the clear operation
dlnkmgr [-s host-name -u user-name -p password] clear
Command Reference
Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for VMware