Configuration file loader window – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
Page 93

Figure 38 Configuration File Loader Window
The Configuration File Loader window has the following features:
Allows you to select the program product option for that you want to import or export
a spreadsheet file.
Select Sheet
Allows you to import the edited spreadsheet file. For instructions on importing the
spreadsheet file, see “
If using the Mozilla web browser, the Download Manager dialog box may display
when you click Import. If this occurs, close the Download Manager dialog box and
continue the operation.
Import button
Allows you to export the current spreadsheet file. For instructions on exporting the
spreadsheet file, see “
If using the Mozilla web browser, the Download Manager dialog box may display
when you click Export. If this occurs, close the Download Manager dialog box and
continue the operation.
Export button
This list is available after you have imported a spreadsheet, and allows you to select
the function tag that you want to display. An asterisk (*) appears after one or more of
the function tags that has an error.
Select Tag
The row number that includes the error.
The part code and error number for example, 8105 (part code) – 1212 (error number).
Error Code
The column number that includes the error. A dash “-” indicates the error column cannot
be specified.
The error message. See the Storage Navigator Messages for the error codes and error
messages displayed on the list.
XP24000/XP20000 Remote Web Console User's Guide