Emergency key, Licensed capacity, 53 licensed capacity – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual
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For example, if the term key is set to enable for 150 days and set to disable for 100 days after
you installed the term key, there are 215 remaining days (365 days minus 150 days), although
250 days have passed in total.
You can delay the expiration of the term key by setting the term key to disable when you are not
using the program product option.
The term key, which is the same as the permanent key, has a limit for the volume capacity that
can be used for each program product option.
If you add volumes and the available amount of volume capacity exceeds the licensed capacity,
Capacity Insufficient will be displayed in the Status in the License Key window. In this case, you
need to purchase an additional license to cover the capacity shortage within 30 days. For details
on the licensed capacity, see “
If you use XP Thin Provisioning, the licensed capacity might be insufficient even if you did not add
any volumes. When you use XP Thin Provisioning, see the HP StorageWorks XP24000/XP20000
XP Thin Provisioning User’s Guide for details on the license capacity.
If the term key has expired, you can install a program product option with another license key.
When the term key has expired, Not Installed is displayed in the Status in the License Key window.
You can install the temporary key, the term key, the emergency key, or the permanent key to the
program product option in this status.
When the license key for a program product (A) expires, the license key for a program product
(B) which requires the expired program product (A) will be also disabled.
When this occurs, Not Enough is displayed in the Status of the program product (B) in the License
Key window.
Emergency Key
An emergency license key is used in situations where the temporary key or the term key is set to expire
in the near future and the user cannot get the permanent key in time because of special circumstances
(for example, a licensed server has crashed or there are problems with the communication
infrastructure). An emergency key may also be used when a user who does not intend to purchase
the option needs to undo a configuration change that was made during the lifetime of the temporary
key or the term key.
An emergency key is effective for 30 days.
If you forcibly install an emergency key for an option that already has a permanent key or term
key, the license for that option will expire in 30 days.
When the license key for a program product expires, the license key of a program product which
requires the expired program product will be also disabled.
Licensed Capacity
The licensed capacity is volume capacity that you are licensed to use with a program product option.
You need to estimate the amount of capacity that you want to use with the program product option
before you purchase the permanent key or the term key. The licensed capacity has three types
depending on the program product option.
XP24000/XP20000 Remote Web Console User's Guide