HP Surestore 64 Director Switch User Manual

Page 114

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102 Appendix

Error 32: Invalid SNMP
Community Name

The value entered for the SNMP community name is invalid. The
SNMP community name is the name of the community specified
by commIndex. The community name must not exceed 32
characters in length. Valid characters include all those in the ISO
Latin-1 character set. Duplicate community names are allowed,
but the corresponding writeAuthorization values must match.
Enter the specified name of the SNMP community.

Error 33: Invalid SNMP Trap

The value entered for the SNMP trap address is invalid. Enter a
valid IP address.

Error 34: Duplicate Community
Names Require Identical Write

The two or more entered community names are identical, but
their write authorizations are not identical. Enter different values
for the community names, or enter duplicate values only for
those community names that have identical write authorization.

Error 35: Duplicate SNMP Trap

Error 37: Invalid Month

The value of the month entered for the new system date is
invalid. The format of the date parameter must be mm:dd:yyyy or
mm/dd/yyyy. The month can contain an integer in the range 1–
12. Enter a month in the range 1–12.

Error 38: Invalid Day

The value of the day entered for the new system date is invalid.
The format of the date parameter must be mm:dd:yyyy or mm/
dd/yyyy. The day can contain an integer in the range 1–31. Enter
a day in the range 1–31.

Error 39: Invalid Year

The value of the year entered for the new system date is invalid.
The format of the date parameter must be mm:dd:yyyy or mm/
dd/yyyy. The year can contain an integer greater than 1980.
Enter a year greater than 1980.

Error 40: Invalid Hour

The value of the hour entered for the new system time is invalid.
The format of the time parameter must be hh:mm:ss. The hour
can contain an integer in the range 0–23. Enter an integer in the
range 0–23.

Error 41: Invalid Minute

The value of the minute entered for the new system time is
invalid. The format of the time parameter must be hh:mm:ss. The
minute can contain an integer in the range 0–59. Enter an
integer in the range 0–59.

