HP Surestore 64 Director Switch User Manual
Page 107
show 95
The switch attributes data is displayed as a table that includes the following properties.
Output Example
The output from the show.switch command displays as follows.
Switch Information
State: Online
BB Credit: 2
R_A_TOV: 20
E_D_TOV: 4
Preferred Domain Id: 1
Switch Priority: Default
Rerouting Delay: Enabled
Operating Mode: Open Systems
Interop Mode: Open Fabric 1.0
Active Domain Id: 1
World Wide Name: 10:00:08:00:88:00:21:07
The state of the switch (for example, online or offline).
BB Credit
The BB credit as set in the config.switch.bbCredit command.
The R_A_TOV as set in the config.switch.raTov command.
The E_D_TOV as set in the config.switch.edTov command.
Preferred Domain Id The domain ID as set in the config.switch.domainId command.
Switch Priority
The switch priority as set in the config.switch.priority command.
Rerouting Delay
The rerouting delay as set in the config.switch.rerouteDelay command.
Operating Mode
The operating mode (Open Systems or S/390). This attribute cannot be
configured through the command line interface.
Interop Mode
The interoperability mode as set in the config.switch.interopMode command.
Active Domain Id
The active domain ID of the switch. This ID may or may not be the same as
the preferred domain ID.
World Wide Name
The world-wide name for the switch.