Unmounting a virtual copy, Refreshing virtual copy information, Refreshing all virtual copies – HP 3PAR Recovery Manager Software User Manual

Page 54: Refreshing a specific virtual copy

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Click OK.

HP 3PAR Recovery Manager:

Makes the virtual copy available to the selected host server

Displays data for the mounted virtual copy (store) in the informational pane

Displays Mounted in the Virtual Copy Status column

Displays the host server to which the virtual copy was mounted in the Mounted Host


HP 3PAR Recovery Manager does not allow mounting a Virtual Copy to a drive letter or

a path involving a cluster shared drive letter.

Mounting a virtual copy which has been restored by promote (used for volume restore) is not

Unmounting a Virtual Copy

When you unmount a virtual copy, HP 3PAR Recovery Manager unmounts all stores
(mailbox/storage group, public store, logs) under the virtual copy.

The following icons display the virtual copy unmounting status:

- unmounted virtual copy with validation

- unmounted virtual copy without validation

- unmounted LCR virtual copy with validation

- unmounted LCR virtual copy without validation

To unmount a virtual copy, right-click the mounted virtual copy and select Unmount.

HP 3PAR Recovery Manager:

Updates the informational pane for the unmounted virtual copy

Displays Unmounted in the Virtual Copy Status column

Removes the host name from the Mounted Host column

Refreshing Virtual Copy Information

If you are using both the HP 3PAR Recovery Manager GUI and the CLI, and you use the CLI to
make changes without stopping and restarting the GUI, you must manually update the virtual copy
information. You can perform this update at several levels.

Refreshing All Virtual Copies

To refresh all virtual copies, right-click the Virtual Copy Management node in the node tree pane
and select Refresh.

Refreshing a Specific Mailbox Database or Storage Group

To refresh all virtual copies for a specific mailbox database or storage group, right-click the storage
group under the Virtual Copy Management node and select Refresh.

Refreshing a Specific Virtual Copy

To refresh a specific virtual copy, right-click the virtual copy and select Refresh.


Using the Recovery Manager GUI