Add server to group operation, Remove servers from group operation – HP Matrix Operating Environment Software User Manual
Page 98
11. Click Submit to import the service. Click Cancel to cancel the action, or Back to return to the
previous screen.
Clicking Submit creates a request that can be viewed on the Requests tab.
Add server to group operation
To add a server
Open the infrastructure orchestration console, self service portal, or organization administrator
Select the Services or My Services tab
Select a service and click Details or View Details
From the Actions or Server Actions list, select Add servers
During an Add server to group operation, infrastructure orchestration:
Validates the request
Allocates the servers (server blades or virtual machine hosts)
“Allocating servers to a VM Host” (page 106)
for more information.
Allocates IP addresses
Allocates the boot disk (physical and virtual)
“Allocating storage to virtual machines” (page 107)
for more information.
Obtains approval
Creates virtual machine or blade server profile
Deploys the operating system and other software to boot disk
Configures the virtual hardware
Customizes the operating system (networking, Sysprep)
Allocates the physical data disks
Provisions the servers for data disks
Boots the servers
Executes custom actions
Sends notifications
After successfully completing the operation, infrastructure orchestration provisions the additional
servers into the infrastructure orchestration infrastructure service, and they are available for the
duration of the service lease period. Access the new servers through the network.
The operation fails when:
Resources are not available to allocate
SAN administrator cannot create the disks
Matrix infrastructure orchestration administrator rejects the request
IO manages a server group as a homogeneous entity, so custom template attributes are
not available on an Add Server operation.
Remove servers from group operation
The Remove Servers operation deactivates the servers, deallocates them and removes them from
the server group.
Matrix infrastructure orchestration provisioning and allocation